sufficient reason

美 [səˈfɪʃnt ˈriːzn]英 [səˈfɪʃnt ˈriːzn]
  • 充足的理由
sufficient reasonsufficient reason
  1. When it will be common power and what situation get involved , must have sufficient reason .


  2. I 've been dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason .


  3. An Analysis about the Thinking of Sufficient Reason


  4. There wasn 't sufficient reason I would return .


  5. The ideas about the law of sufficient reason can be traced back to the ancient Greece .


  6. But there seems to be no sufficient reason for these suppositions .


  7. This kind of nature gives people the sufficient reason to make external criticism based on the text 's ideological theme .


  8. Have adequate / sufficient reason for doing sth


  9. The results suggest that there is no sufficient reason to believe that China 's foreign trade environment is harmful to its environment .


  10. Through to the above five questions analysis , may obtain these questions is does not have the sufficient reason existence the conclusion .


  11. Those things which rarely happen are not to be taken into account in the transaction of business without sufficient reason .


  12. Another is the objective conditions , if the objective conditions are not allowed to have sufficient reason , again , also cannot persist .


  13. After 13 months of examining the case against us the magistrate found " sufficient reason " to put us on trial for high treason .


  14. His father very much wished him to meet Captain Wentworth , and there being no sufficient reason against it , he ought to go ;


  15. At the beginning of the 18 ~ ( th ) century , Leibnitz proposed the principle of sufficient reason based on the ideas of the former scholars .


  16. This is a quantitative criteria of reason , in recognition of the market conditions , no sufficient reason of art , no one will render to20 pieces or more .


  17. There is five thousand years of civilization in our country and Chinese culture has experienced a long history , from any perspective , we have sufficient reason to be proud of that .


  18. Long-ago artefacts can be useful tools in establishing a national identity but is this sufficient reason to concede that these countries have the right to possess and control them ?


  19. If , however , this were considered a sufficient reason for respectful silence , it would follow that no man should undertake to treat of more than some narrow strip of history .


  20. There may be unlimited reasons for us to argue and not co-operate but there is one sufficient reason for us to love and co-operate , that is , it is pleasing to God .


  21. Last month a High Court judge ruled the author could make the statement , saying there was no sufficient reason for the Daily Mail 's publishers , Associated Newspapers , to refuse permission to read it .


  22. Last month a High Court judge ruled the author could make the statement , saying there was " no sufficient reason " for the Daily Mail 's publishers , Associated Newspapers , to refuse permission to read it .


  23. The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason . The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking , and it 's formal theorem is MP rule ( i.e.the rule of detachment ) .


  24. Why and what is the last choice since many historical dignitaries Qu Yuan alone ? A sufficient reason is , when Qu Yuan is the experience of the high interest in the patriotic ideal of sacrifice on its valuable life history of renowned dignitaries .


  25. To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for ( an action taken ) .


  26. Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason .


  27. Yet those who saw1997 as an opportunity for positive change , who did not believe that preserving the status quo was sufficient , have reason to be disappointed .


  28. However , the study of dynamic properties , especially the liquefaction characteristic of saturated sand-gravel composites is not sufficient partly for the reason of test apparatus and technology .
